This week's topic is "Theory". The one theory that came to my mind that I have the least understanding on is the relativity theory, specifically, Einstein's special relativity theory. I had asked my husband to explain it to me last night and among all his explanations, most of which passed my mind and out of my other ear, the only thing that I retained was his example. He said, "If you have a pair of twin sisters, Maria and Juana, and Maria spends all her life on earth while Juana decides to spend her life riding a comet that travels at a very much faster speed than the earth, when they meet 60 years from now and come face to face with each other, Juana will be younger than Maria. And the reason is because the movement of time for a moving object is slower than that of a stationary one. That is one of the consequences of Einstein's theory."
I find this very hard to imagine but I leave my mind open to when I could fully understand it in the future. For now, the image of Maria and Juana meeting each other within this time dilation capsule is what I have in mind. In below colored pencil drawing, I show a much younger Juana coming face to face with her now older twin sister, Maria. They are separated by the different time orbits that encapsulated them.
Sometimes, it is easier to see science through art. :)

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