I hope to go back to painting people and be really good at it. Below is a quick watercolor sketch of a face I did the other day. Unlike that two month portrait I made in college, this one was made in under an hour. That's one thing I like about watercolors, one can do quick colored sketches with it which is ideal for moms of four year olds. I think I'd prefer to have it more abstract or impressionistic next time. Like maybe just some blotches of color here and there to give an impression of a face or person. The background color is permanent rose which is one of my favorites. I got my inspiration on this from Maira Kalman's children's book illustrations. (You could type her name in google and see the many images of her illustrations that come up. ) I find Maira's illustrations playful, colorful and free flowing, which I like very much. I enjoy her children's books (e.g. Chicken Soup, Boots, Grand Central and Fireboat) much more than her "adult" books (Principles of Uncertainty), mainly because I could understand the point of the stories much better!
Some books of Maira Kalman that I borrowed from the library..